Fair fashion: 8 years after the Rana Plaza collapse
29 Apr19:30 - 20:30online, onlineCinema 4
On 24 April 2013 the world witnessed the collapse of the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh, killing 1000 people, all workers in the textile industry. It led to an international outcry for the fashion and textile industry to improve the working conditions in the places they operate. Now eight years later, what exactly has changed? Has the fashion industry learned from this disaster? What are the obstacles that stand in the way of necessary change? Who defends the rights of the worker?
Sarah Vandoorne (MO*-Magazine) talks with Zofia Mezeyova (We Social Movements), Rubaiyat Hossain (director of Made In Bangladesh) and JBC.
Dit event wordt live opgenomen in KORF, een tijdelijke en gedeelde ontmoetingsplek in het hart van de Brugse binnenstad voor lezingen, films, workshops, concerten, livestreams, debatten en zoveel meer.