Waar is Anne Frank?

Ari Folman

A more than relevant animated film in which Anne Frank’s imaginary friend Kitty introduces you to a not so pretty piece of our history, which now seems to be closer than ever.

Modern day Amsterdam. One stormy morning, lighting strikes in the Anne Frank Museum. Because of the lightning bolt, the glass bell jar over Anne Frank’s diary shatters, bringing Kitty to life. Kitty is the imaginary friend whom Anne entrusted with her secrets. The young girl has no idea where she is or where Anne is. Kitty starts a quest to find Anne and quickly notices that something is not right. Why can nobody see her when she is in the museum? Why is there a statue of Anne and a street and a square named after her? When she becomes friends with a young street rascal, he decides to help Kitty and takes her into this story of a long time ago. Together they dive into Anne’s history and Kitty reaches a disconcerting conclusion.

This animated film is relevant today, but with an historic angle. The mix of past and present makes it quite tangible and pungently compares the situation in which many (young) people find themselves today to the problems which Anne had to face in her time.

Ari Folman
99 min
Belgium, France

vanaf 10 jaar


Een heel actuele animatiefilm met een historische insteek. De mix van heden en verleden geeft het geheel iets heel tastbaars. De problemen waar Anne in haar tijd mee worstelde, zijn nog steeds erg herkenbaar voor jongeren van nu

Het verhaal van Anne Frank wordt in deze warme, oprechte en visueel prachtige animatiefilm naverteld

The Guardian